TMF-648 ListQuoteGroups & LineItems
This operation is used to List Quote Groups and their Line Items from Salesforce
url Param
name | type | description | required |
businessId | string | 2 letter ISO 3166 country code (TT, BB, JM, PA, etc.) identifying the business unit. | Y |
name | type | description | required |
client_id | string | The client_id identifying the channel. | Y |
client_secret | string | Password associated with the client_id. | Y |
X-Correlation-ID | string | Identifier that correlates HTTP request between a client and server. Any identification model (UUDI, checksum, etc.) can be used, as long as it is a unique value to differentiate a transaction. | Y |
Query Param
name | type | description | required |
id | string | Quote Id | Y |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.name | string | Name of the characteristic to search. Could be different, depending on the use case. For b2bsoft channel the expected value will be "PointOfSale" | N |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.value | string | The value of the characteristic. For b2bsoft channel the expected value will be 'B2BSoft' | Y |
cURL request
curl --location 'https://nonprod.esb.cloud.lla.com/dev/b2bsoft-ux/b2bsoft-ux/v1/{businessId}/quote?id=0Q0QL000000y6s90AA"eItem.product.productCharacteristic.name=PointOfSale"eItem.product.productCharacteristic.value=B2BSoft'\
--header 'client_id: abcd' \
--header 'client_secret: 1234' \
--header 'X-Correlation-ID: 987654'
In this section all the possible data structures received by the client at the moment of responding the method are defined.
Possible response success
This section defines all the possible data structures received by the client and that must be considered satisfactory at the time of responding to the method.
[ 200 ]
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"unit": "USD",
"value": 1.50
"priceAlteration": [
"priceType": "",
"name": "Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge",
"price": {
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"value": 1.50
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"value": "PR_B2B_Mobile_Reg_Cost_Rec_Chg_Voice"
"name": "devicePayoff",
"value": "0.0000"
"name": "isTaxable",
"value": "False"
"name": "quantity",
"value": 1.00
"name": "returnCode",
"value": "NA"
"name": "returnType",
"value": "NA"
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"product": {
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"name": "CRIM Surcharge",
"productPrice": [
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"price": {
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"value": 0.15
"priceAlteration": [
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"value": "PR_B2B_Mobile_CRIM_Surcharge_Voice"
"name": "devicePayoff",
"value": "0.0000"
"name": "isTaxable",
"value": "False"
"name": "quantity",
"value": 1.00
"name": "returnCode",
"value": "NA"
"name": "returnType",
"value": "NA"
"id": "0QLQL000000udRo4AI",
"product": {
"@type": "ServiceFee",
"name": "Network Access Wireless",
"productPrice": [
"priceType": "",
"price": {
"dutyFreeAmount": {
"unit": "USD",
"value": 0
"priceAlteration": [
"priceType": "",
"name": "Network Access Wireless",
"description": "Service Fee"
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"quoteItemPrice": [
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"price": {
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"value": 0
"productCharacteristic": [
"name": "UID",
"value": "PR_B2B_Network_Access_Wireless"
"name": "devicePayoff",
"value": "0.0000"
"name": "isTaxable",
"value": "False"
"name": "quantity",
"value": 1.00
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"id": "0QLQL000000udRp4AI",
"product": {
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"name": "International Roaming",
"productPrice": [
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"price": {
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"priceAlteration": [
"priceType": "",
"name": "International Roaming",
"description": "Mobile Feature"
"productRelationship": [
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"product": {
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"price": {
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"value": 0
"productCharacteristic": [
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"value": "PR_B2B_Mobile_Postpaid_International_Roaming"
"name": "devicePayoff",
"value": "0.0000"
"name": "isTaxable",
"value": "False"
"name": "quantity",
"value": 1.00
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Each of the request parameters is detailed.
name | type | description | required |
id | string | Quote id from Salesforce | N |
category | string | Used to categorize the quote from a business perspective | N |
description | string | Quote Description on Salesforce | N |
quoteDate | datetime | Quote Date | N |
state | string | Status of the quote | N |
relatedParty | array | A list of related parties | N |
relatedParty.id | string | A reference to a party playing a role in this quote | N |
relatedParty.name | string | Name of the related entity | |
relatedParty.@referredType | string | Related party referred type | N |
billingAccount | array | A list of billing account references | N |
billingAccount.id | string | Billing Account Id | N |
billingAccount.@type | string | Type of account | N |
contactMedium | array | A list of contact mediums | N |
contactMedium.mediumType | string | Type of the contact medium, such as: email address, telephone number, postal address | N |
contactMedium.characteristic | object | A medium characteristic | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.city | string | City as per the billing account. | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.country | string | Country | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.emailAddress | string | Email of the Authourised contact | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.postCode | string | Postal code of the billing account | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.stateOrProvince | string | Main Division | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.street1 | string | Street of the Billing account | N |
contactMedium.characteristic.phoneNumber | string | The primary phone number of the contact | N |
quoteItem | array | A list of quote items | N |
quoteItem.id | string | Quote Group Id | N |
quoteItem.quantity | number | Group Member Count | N |
quoteItem.@type | string | Name Of Quote Group | N |
quoteItem.product | object | A product ref or value | N |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic | array | A list of characteristics. Please refer below "quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic" table for more details | N |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.name | string | Name of the characteristic. | N |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.value | any | The value of the characteristic. | N |
quoteItem.product.realizingResource | array | A list of resource references | N |
quoteItem.product.realizingResource.name | string | Name of the resource. | N |
quoteItem.product.realizingResource.id | string | Unique identifier of a related entity Note - this is the unique 'quoteMemberId' for each "Quote Group Member" | N |
quoteItem.product.realizingResource.value | string | The resource value that can be used to identify a resource with a public key (e.g.: an msisdn) | N |
quoteItem.product.realizingResource.@type | string | It will indicate the type of resource Eg: "@type":"PhysicalResource/MSISDN" | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem | array | A list of quote items | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.id | string | Quote Line item Id | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product | object | A product ref or value | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.@type | string | N | |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.name | string | ProductName of each Quote Line Item | N |
quoteItem.product.place | array | A list of related place ref or values | N |
quoteItem.product.place.id | string | Unique identifier of the place. In this case it's 'storeId' | N |
quoteItem.product.place.role | string | Role | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice | array | A list of product prices | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceType | string | Price type | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.price | object | Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount | object | A money | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount.value | float | Quote Line Items Total Price | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount.unit | string | Currency (ISO4217 norm uses 3 letters to define the currency). | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration | array | A list of price alterations | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.priceType | string | ||
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.name | string | Discount Name | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.description | string | Discount Type. Eg: 'Mobile Phone', 'B2B Mobile Line', 'Service Fee' etc. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.price | object | A price (Price). Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount | object | A base / value business entity used to represent money | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount.value | float | Discount Amount | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount.unit | string | Currency (ISO4217 norm uses 3 letters to define the currency). | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productRelationship | array | A list of product relationships | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productRelationship.relationshipType | string | Type of the product relationship, | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productRelationship.product | object | A product ref or value | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productRelationship.product.id | string | Parent Id | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice | array | A list of quote prices | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.name | string | Installment Id | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceType | string | . A category that describes the price such as recurring, one time and usage. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.recurringChargePeriod | string | Could be month, week etc | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.price | object | A price (Price). Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount | object | A base / value business entity used to represent money | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount.value | float | Installment Amount | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.price.dutyFreeAmount.unit | string | Currency (ISO4217 norm uses 3 letters to define the currency). | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration | array | A list of price alterations | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration.applicationDuration | string | Installment Months | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration.price | object | A price (Price). Provides all amounts (tax included, duty free, tax rate), used currency and percentage to apply for Price Alteration. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount | object | A base / value business entity used to represent money | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount.value | float | Installment Amount Monthly | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.priceAlteration.price.dutyFreeAmount.unit | string | Currency (ISO4217 norm uses 3 letters to define the currency). | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.productOfferingPrice | object | N | |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.productOfferingPrice.id | string | Promotion Monthly | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.quoteItemPrice.productOfferingPrice.name | string | Promotion Name | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic | array | A list of characteristics. Please refer below "quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic" table for more details | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.name | string | Name of the characteristic. | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic.value | any | The value of the characteristic. | N |
quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic Values:
productCharacteristic name | type | description | required |
LOB | string | Line of business. | N |
customerType | string | Business type. "B2B" | N |
contactName | string | Contact Name | N |
contactId | string | Contact Id | N |
firstName | string | Primary Contact First Name | N |
lastName | string | Primary Contact Last Name | N |
chargetoInvoice | boolean | Charge to Invoice | N |
deliveryMethod | string | quote delivery method | N |
operationType | string | type of quote operator | N |
quoteItem.quoteItem.product.productCharacteristic Values:
productCharacteristic name | type | description | required |
UID | string | Code of product code on Quote Line Item | N |
upfrontPayment | any | Upfront Payment | N |
downPayment | any | Downpayment on Device Quote Line Item | N |
devicePayoff | string | Device Pay off | N |
isTaxable | string | the true/false values are coming as a string from Salesforce | N |
quantity | float | Quantity | N |
tradeInId | string | TradeIn Id | N |
returnCode | string | Return Code | N |
returnType | string | Return Type | N |
SKU | string | SKU number | N |
Possible response error
In this section all the possible data structures received by the client are defined and that must be considered as unsatisfactory when responding to the method.
[ 400 ]
Bad Request - the request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
"errors" : [{
"code" : 400,
"message" : "The request is invalid or not properly formed.",
"description" : "Bad request",
[ 401 ]
Unauthorized - The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.
"errors" : [{
"code" : 401,
"message" : "The user could not be authenticated for this request.",
"description" : "The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource"
[ 404 ]
Not Found - server has not found a resource with that URI. This may be temporary and permanent condition. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
"errors" : [{
"code" : 404,
"message" : "The primary device not found in the backend system",
"description" : "The requested operation failed because the primary device in the backend system could not be found."
[ 500 ]
Internal Server Error - server encountered an error processing request. This should not happen normally, but it is a generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable.
"errors" : [{
"code" : 500,
"message" : "The request failed due to an internal error.",
"description": "error description"